Using Clubrunner
This page contains:
  • Initial Log on help for and MyRotary
  • General overview of about the Rotary New Zealand and Pacific Islands multi-district website
  • List of important elements at club level
  • Guidance at implementing critical set-up elements
  • Contacts for additional information and assistance
  • Templates that can be used by clubs
  • Guides (towards bottom of page) for using RI's website, My Rotary, Rotary Showcase and Rotary Club Central

NZ Pacific website  and District 9920 website Click here for Guide
Rotary International website - MyRotary and Rotary Club Central: Click here for guide
This Rotary Oceania and Rotary District 9920 websites are an administration, communication and resource tool for all Rotarians, clubs, club committees and project teams, districts and district committees.
The website is owned by the six New Zealand-based districts and is free for Rotary use by its member Rotarians and Rotary entities – every Rotarian member of a club has the right to and should have member-only access. The strength of the site is the ability for all Rotarians across New Zealand and the Pacific to communicate with each other and share resources.
The website is suitable for use with PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.
The website is fully html editable so it can do anything any website can do and has many practical features such as enabling the creation of unlimited committees, project pages plus document archive capabilities, secure email functions and much more. If there are features you want access to and cannot find they are probably there so ask for help, and if by chance what you seek is not there, a request can be made for an improvement to the site.
The Clubrunner membership data is integrated with Rotary International so membership details that are entered and maintained in Clubrunner will be automatically interfaced across to the RI system.
If you use a website external to and/or use social media (e.g. blogs and Facebook) - use links between these various media to prevent duplications. It is strongly recommended that clubs purchase a Clubrunner club site  for all membership and other clubactivity because of its security, flexibility and the access it provides members to member-only resources.
All national Rotary promotional activity (radio, TV, social media, billboards, brochures etc) refers enquirers to  for more information so it is vital that district infromation is accurate and club pages are a good presentation, even if you have a website external to the zone / district site that you will then refer them to. 
Every district committee has a webpage with full access to the functionality of the site.
A downloadable one page document is here - suitable for use as an overview to inform members and for inclusion in new member packs
The following are a list of some of the features of the site your club should be doing / using at a minimum:
  • Have at least one club webmaster who should hold the position for at least 3 years
  • All club members listed with full details - for instructions on how to match records with RI, click here
  • Educate members in basic use of the site
  • All club officers and major position holders listed on the club home page
If your club has Clubrunner for clubs you should:
  • Use the club bulletin feature (which will also ensure email addresses are kept correct for club email messages)
  • Use the club mass email system for security and reliability
  • Use the document archive feature – never lose files again and make them available to members who need them
  • Club committees listed with members added
  • Every club webpage (main, committee, project and event pages) maintained up-to-date
  • Ensure the visibility of all pages is appropriate for the intended audience and that your club is easily contactable by the public
  • Run club events using the Event Manager
Individual contacts throughout the site are driven from the individual member record as set up and maintained at the club level by each club.
 The Clubrunner system is still being fully developed for District 9920 and the clubs in district.  Throughout the 2016/17 Rotary year this process will mean that the information available through the district and club sites will increase.

It will be vital to reassure members the website is secure and 1) their member details are not visible to the public unless they change the settings and this will usually be done by those with Rotary roles involving an interaction with the public and 2) the use of their contact details will be for Rotary business only

As soon as a member is added to the website they receive a login so it is necessary to send them promptly information explaining the situation - use this webpage as a starting point for new member induction.
President and Secretary are essential and consider gaining their agreement to have their contact details visible to the public (or at least address the question as to how the public can easily contact the club - I would suggest an email contact alone is hardly "customer friendly")
Ideally for good Rotary communication all club officers and main portfolio holders (eg. bulletin editor) are loaded as well (consider the visibility question but for many being publicly visible is not relevant)
At a minimum Club Officers, but ideally all members should have their picture as part of their member record - members or club executives can load a member picture from any that the member may already have or one could be taken specifically for this purpose by a club PR person.
Guides and contacts for assistance for using the site are available via
One aspect often asked about is how to create Homepage banners - here is a useful (local) guide.
Contact your club webmaster for set up assistance or John Fothergill, District 9920 webmaster, at or 021 623 862 can assist you at any time
Unfortunately there are three formal websites that every Rotary club needs to use and while we wish there was only one this is not going to happen in the forseeable future. The other two sites are mentioned below:
Rotary Club Central is within the RI website at (My Rotary) is relatively easy to learn to use and maintain and secondly it brings together in a measurable way the various critical aspects of the club to aid club planning and achievement. This then leads on to the additional showcasing of your projects via Rotary Showcase. A starting point for guidance at using this essential resource can be found here in a Dropbox folder - note that you do not need a Dropbox account to access.
Helpful videos:
Helpful videos about the Rotary International website:
Video 1 - Website Overview and Registration: About Rotary’s new Website
Video 2 - Club Administration in My Rotary: Important online tools for club officers English
Video 3 - Rotary Club Central: Rotary’s online goal-setting tool for clubs and districts English
Video 4 - Rotary’s new Visual Identity: About the new Rotary logos and visual style English
Helpful videos about Rotary Club Central:
Video A: Rotary Club Central, General Overview - This video provides a general overview of the features of Rotary Club Central. All 3 tabs (Your Club, Service, and Foundation) are briefly discussed.
Video B: Rotary Club Central, Your Club Tab - This video provides an overview of the features of the Rotary Club Central Your Club tab.
Video C: Rotary Club Central, Service Tab - This video provides an overview of the features of the Rotary Club Central Service tab.
Video D: Rotary Club Central, Foundation Tab - This video provides an overview of the features of the Rotary Club Central Foundation tab.
(If the above Dropbox or video links do not work it will be as RI have changed the location or replaced the link - please notify )
Through Rotary Club Central clubs can do the following:
  • add/change/delete member records and club officers - although this should all be done through Clubrunner which is integraed with the RI system
  • manage and pay Semi Annual Dues
  • set club goals and monitor progress
  • showcase projects
  • and more
There is a wealth of resources and functions for clubs and Rotarians.
The main website is at