Rotary Pictorial Dictionary Project (Rotary Supported)
The Rotary Dictionary Project is proving hugely successful. Started in 2008 as a joint venture between the Bill and Lorna Boyd Trust and the Rotary Club of Pakuranga, it has spread nationwide with the majority of clubs participating. The student’s treasure receiving and writing their names in their own copy of the dictionary. An added literacy benefit is that the whole family gains, as the dictionaries are taken home.
The dictionary selected is the hard cover Usborne illustrated Dictionary. It has a reading age of approximately 9 years, has English spelling (not American), and contains over 1,000 full colour illustrations.
This is intended as an annual ‘ongoing’ project for clubs - presenting them to each year’s intake of year 4 students.
The trust has now placed orders for a total of 65,000 Usborne Illustrated Dictionaries, 42,000 of which it has distributed to Rotary Clubs throughout New Zealand for personal presentation to children in decile 1 or 2, year 4, primary schools. Orders are placed with the trust after a club has ascertained just how many children they want to distribute to. An invoice is then dispatched to the club by the trust and on receipt of payment the trust will authorise the release of the books from its warehouse. With the books will be sent a suggested presentation procedure pack. Transportation is for organization and cost by the ordering club.
For the foreseeable future books will be quoted at NZ$9.50 incl. GST.
Order online through: or
Operations Manager:
Graham Kearns
Phone: 021 995 811
Bill Duncan
Phone: 09 915 2425; Mob: 029 915 2425
Postal address:
Chairperson, Rotary Dictionary Project Rotary Club of Pakuranga
Box 51166 Pakuranga
Auckland, 2140