Rotary National Science and Technology Forum

Year 12 Students who will be returning to Year 13
This fully residential (Halls of residence) programme is conducted by the tertiary institutions of Auckland. By the end of the Forum students should have a better understanding of the area of science they wish to pursue and the tertiary courses available. They should also gain an appreciation of the part that science and technology play in the wider community. The Forum provides an opportunity for high achieving students to spend time with similar minded people and the experiences gained invariably result in overall personal growth.
Timeline: approx.

16 July - Application materials with details and guidelines mailed to Clubs and Schools.
21 July - Clubs please contact your schools - Head of Science to chase applications
30 Aug - Applications close at Club Level / Interviews arranged within next two weeks
Sep - Interviews completed and club selections confirmed and forwarded to District Coordinators
27 Sep - Last date for applications to be with District Coordinators and for payment
15 Oct - All application forms and supporting documentation plus fees to reach the Director.
Mid Dec - The Student Handbook containing all details of Forum mailed directly to students.
Fee 2024: $2250.00 inclusive of GST.
Student’s family is expected to contribute to the cost; school may also agree to contribute.
Contacts 2021-2022:
Peter Buchanan
Phone: 0274341832
Rotary Club: St Johns