National Membership Seminar 2017
Seminar presentations are now available for download as pdf's - click here to access the documents. A Clubrunner login is required.
This seminar is intended to bring together in one place the best proven membership practices and resources that Rotarians from clubs across all six New Zealand-based districts can take away back to their clubs to put into actual practice. The day is a mix of presentations, discussion and workshops.Membership is our number one priority internally as an organisation.
Who should be at the Seminar? Membership Chairs for Districts, plus Assistant Governors, Club Presidents, Club Membership Chairs, Club and District Leaders and Rotarians.
There have been very successful seminars in New Zealand in the past but only one-off on occasional years. For several years now these seminars have been run as national events in Australia under the banner of "National Success Seminars" so the format has been well proven over time and the Wellington seminar will draw on all the lessons of Australian Rotary to ensure our own inaugural National Membership Seminar is likewise a resounding success and value for time and money spent.
Rotary International Director Noel Trevaski.. He is speaking on "where are we at" with membership
Rotary Coordinator / Past District Governor John Prendergast speaking on the Regional Membership Plan, "What's in it for us" ( benefits to belonging to Rotary)
Rotary Assistant Coordinator / Past District Governor Jennie Herring speaking on " Vision of success" in her year as DG for District 9920
Past District Governor Beryl Robinson speaking on "Successful clubs with increased membership"
Rotarian Leon Harrnet from the Next Generation Group, Invercargill speaking on his new style of club and what's working for them.
Past District Governor Neil Reid speaking on" The success of Satellite Clubs" in his District 9910
Past District Governor Howard Tong speaking on " Attracting and Retaining Members (Engagement)
Non-Rotarian speakers are
Amy Steiner-Simpson from Bubblebee Social Media speaking on "How social media can assist in attracting new members"
Sina Wendt-Moore from Leadership NZ speaking on " Four Generations In One Room"
There are 3 breakout sessions through out the day. Each breakout session has 3 different subjects up for discussion ( Held in 3 separate rooms at the same time)
- Topic 1 "Speed Dialogue ". Set of questions around a small group of people. They have 4 minutes to answer each question. All relating to membership at their clubs
- Topic 2 Nuts and Bolts". We have 4 different topics in this session. The subjects are covered in 10 minute slots.
Red Badge membership
Retention of members
Learn how to navigate MyRotary, Club runner, Club Central. Bring your smart phone/ tablets with you.
Women In Rotary. Easy way to increase Rotary membership
- Topic 3 "Discussion around new model of Clubs"
Everyone will get to all sessions by the end of the day.