Cure Kids - Remuera Rotary Fiji Oxygen Project
No child, no person, should die for lack of oxygen. Severe pneumonia in children and severe newborn illnesses, for which oxygen is a life-saving treatment, are leading causes of death in the Pacific and worldwide. This project will address the pressing and challenging need in Fiji to ensure that those needing oxygen, those with severe hypoxic (oxygen-starved) illnesses, get it.
The project will meet the need through carefully tested technology, using robust oxygen concentrators, to get oxygen to those who do not have it. The project will also ensure that an improved supply of oxygen translates into better clinical outcomes through enhanced detection and case management of hypoxic illnesses.
The Challenge Facing Children in Fiji
Oxygen is a vital commodity across the health service but is expensive and logistically difficult to provide. Severe pneumonia in children, anesthetics for surgery and care of newborns are instances in which oxygen is needed. Approximately 200 children die each year in children as a result of severe pneumonia and newborn illnesses.
For severe pneumonia, oxygen reduces death by 35% and is a ‘must-have’ according to WHO
treatment guidelines. Improving the availability, affordability and clinical use of oxygen is a high priority for the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services, with whom Cure Kids and the University of Auckland is partnering in this work.
treatment guidelines. Improving the availability, affordability and clinical use of oxygen is a high priority for the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services, with whom Cure Kids and the University of Auckland is partnering in this work.

In Fiji, oxygen is typically supplied in cylinders, which are very expensive, difficult to move and require a reliable supply chain. While hospitals in larger centers may have reliable oxygen supplies, smaller facilities often do not, and this leaves the people they serve vulnerable, both children and adults. Pacific countries need a solution that saves lives by getting oxygen to those who need it without adding a burden to stretched health budgets.
The Oxygen Solution

The long-term goal is that no child in Fiji dies for lack of oxygen

The Ultimate Goal
This programme draws on successful work carried out in Africa by Dr Stephen Howie (University of Auckland) and colleagues, and current pilot work in Fiji at Nausori Health Centre (pictured above, left), Nabouwalu Hospital, and Taveuni Hospital, providing proof of principle.
The solutions being used in this project are highly scalable, and the ultimate goal in view is national coverage to ensure that no communities are left unprotected. Ultimately, we want every child in Fiji to have access to a reliable oxygen supply. The proposal made here is intended to realise the next stage of this vision over 2.5 years, a critical period that will form the bridge between the pilot phase and the successful implementation of a full-scale national programme.
Rotary Partnership
Cure Kids, the Rotary Club of Remuera Inc (International Partner), the Rotary Club of Taveuni (Host Partner), the Fiji Ministry of Health and the University of Auckland have formed a partnership that will enable the Project to be upscaled through support at a club level, in New Zealand and Fiji, and with the support of the Rotary Global Grant Programme. The partnership will deliver on the objective of ensuring that, no child should die for lack of oxygen.
The Funding Need
Parties involved are working to raise (overall) NZD $650,000 to ensure as many of these units as possible are installed nation-wide in Fiji.
The project is expected to be funded from
Rotary District Designated Funds
Rotary Global Grant
Key Contacts
Cure Kids Fiji
Tim Edmonds, General Manager, 021 841 047
Fiji Ministry of Health
Dr Eric Rafai,
Deputy Permanent Secretary Public Health
University of Auckland
Dr Stephen Howie, Associate Professor
Rotary Club of Taveuni
Geoffrey Amos, +67 9888 0371
Rotary Club of Suva
Malini Raghwan, PDG D9920, +679 999 3541
Rotary Club of Remuera Inc
Hon. Peter Salmon, CNZM QC, 021 520 214
Roy Austin, CNZM, 021 656 400
Professor Emeritus Bob Elliott, CNZM, 027 292 4177

The children of Fiji would be most grateful for any contribution you can make
1. Make a General Donation
$200 $500 $1,000 $2,000 Other
2. Make a Recognition Donation
To recognise larger donations plaques are being designed
which will be appropriately displayed with the O2 machines.
which will be appropriately displayed with the O2 machines.
Recognition |
Levels Range From
3. Or… you may like to link your donation to a specific piece of equipment required to upgrade the oxygen delivery facilities of 11 hospitals and health centres (figures are approximations):
Cost (NZD)
Pulse oximeters
Oxygen concentrator
Customised solar power system
Turnkey installation for an average health centre
Turnkey installation for large health centre
How to donate

Internet Banking
Rotary Club of Remuera Inc. Charitable Trust
Rotary Club of Remuera Inc. Charitable Trust
Note the following:
Payee – name/organisation
Particulars – FijiO2Project
Reference – Donation
Payment by Cheque
To be made out to:
Rotary Club of Remuera Inc. Charitable Trust
Posted to: Fiji O2 Project Committee
PO BOX 28-198, Remuera, Auckland 1541
To be made out to:
Rotary Club of Remuera Inc. Charitable Trust
Posted to: Fiji O2 Project Committee
PO BOX 28-198, Remuera, Auckland 1541
If you are making a donation by bank transfer, please email your remittance advice to help us reconcile it accordingly.
Donations to this cause made to our club’s Charitable Trust would meet New Zealand
requirement for tax deductibility.
requirement for tax deductibility.
If you require a receipt for tax purposes or for further information about international donations please get in touch.