Our heartfelt thanks : To Trees for Survival teachers who put in many hours growing students and plants alike! To Trees for Survival Landowners who provide a place for these plants to live and amazing outdoor experiences and lunches for tree planters. To every volunteer that helps and every sponsor whose funds supply the resources needed to continue to inspire young environmentalists. Thank you! Your contributions make for a better greener cleaner New Zealand!
 Summary for Auckland:
● A total of 76 planting sites 
● a total of 45,932 plants by
● 2,011 students, 158 teachers, 353 parents/other helpers and 161 sponsors
● 3,669 metres of stream have been planted
● most planted plants were: Phormium tenax / Flax (12,009); Leptospermum scoparium / Manuka (10,246); Cordyline australis / Cabbage Tree (9,965)